Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How to develop an actual life outside of work

*Reposted from my old blog, Belligerent Bliss.

1. Try not opting to spend Friday nights at the office. Take note, I said "opting to" not "forced to."

2. Blog, surf, chat, play and E-mail less during the day so that you can go out or maybe sleep at night (and with those words I have magically turned into my mother).

3. Stop casually watching your in-tray fill and actually work on them bit by bit instead of trying to finish it all off at three in the morning.

4. Text or call your friends once in a while to let them know that you are, in fact, still alive and are available to go out. *Will present a problem to people, like me, who do not have actual friends.

5. Come to work on time or try to avoid coming to work five hours late (and with those words I have magically turned into our cranky administrative assistant who regularly channels the spirit of my high school librarian).

6. Repeat after me: "No, I will not do that for you." There, don't you feel much better? Now, if your officemates won't stop asking then just hide under your desk.

7. Do not be caught bitching at your boss or she will go all Miranda Priestly on your ass.

8. Resist going to such sites as youtube.com, televisionwithoutpity or messageboards as they will aggresively consume your time.

9. Try to remember the last time that you've actually talked to your family, ate dinner at your house and got reacquainted with your nice, soft, cozy bed. Substitute nostalgia with regret, then with anger, then with desperation.

10. Remind yourself that, yes, life exists outside of your cubicle and said life does not include religiously following a reality tv show or successfully beating a computer game. Remind yourself that you deserve to experience said life. Validate yourself some more whilst hugging a stuffed animal. Finish off with a nice, Dr. Phil-esque bawl.

That is all for now.

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