Before we begin, a warning—I do not deal with measurements so don't expect any in the recipe below. I like to cook by sight and smell and taste. Feel free to add to, subtract, or totally disregard some of the ingredients below.
What you'll need:
- Oats
- Dried fruits (Gourdo's sells packs of them for about P100/6 boxes.
- Raw honey/Coco Sugar/Evil White Sugar
- Tablea chocolate. Crushed/Crumbled
- Nuts, crushed (I use whatever I can find but avoid peanuts)
- Sesame seeds
- Place a teflon pan on medium heat. Throw in the sesame seeds and toast for about 5 minutes.
- Remove sesame seeds, set aside
- Throw in the crushed nuts. Toast between 5-8 minutes.
- Remove nuts, set aside.
- Toast the oats for about 8 minutes. When they start to brown, put the sesame seeds, crushed nuts and dried nuts in. Mix for another 2 minutes, slowly sprinkling the coco sugar (or white sugar) over the pan.
- Switch to low heat.
- Add chocolate. Continue mixing.
- Drizzle raw honey over the pan and mix thoroughly (the honey is meant to bind the whole shebang together)
Remove from heat. Cool. Then eat. :)
I like to keep some in a baggie for emergency snackage, a quick surge of energy or as topping for frozen yogurt. Thank you Aston for introducing me to the awesome of self-made granola.
aston! galing mo! :p